What issues are resolved in Group Policy Administrator 6.2 Hotfix 72797? (NETIQKB72797)

  • 7772797
  • 09-Feb-2011
  • 08-Mar-2011


Group Policy Administrator 6.2


Issue where the GPA Console Does Not Rename Live GPOs Previously Renamed and Exported from the GP Repository into Active Directory
Issue where Incorrect Mapping by the SetDefaultADLinkMap Script to Target Domain AD Links When the AD Links Do Not Exist on the Target Domain
Issue where the GPA Console Does Not Export GPOs with Export Only Accounts Configured on Trusted Domains
Issue where Public Key and Auto Enrollment Policies Set on Windows 2008 Server Console Computers Do Not Apply on Client Computers
Issue where the Event Log Displays Incorrect Log Entries during Certain GP Repository Operations


This hotfix for the Group Policy Administrator (GPA) product resolves specific previous issues. This document outlines why you should install this hotfix and identifies files modified by the hotfix.

Resolves an Issue Where the GPA Console Does Not Rename Live GPOs Previously Renamed and Exported from the GP Repository into Active Directory
This hotfix resolves an issue with renaming live GPOs after exporting to Active Directory (AD). Before you apply this hotfix, when you rename a repository GPO and then export it into AD, the new name does not update in AD if the GPO already existed in AD prior to the export. After you apply this hotfix, if the renamed repository GPO exists in AD, after you export the GPO, the GPA Console updates the GPO name in AD to match the repository GPO name. (ENG302517)

Resolves Incorrect Mapping by the SetDefaultADLinkMap Script to Target Domain AD Links When the AD Links Do Not Exist on the Target Domain
This hotfix resolves an issue of incorrect mapping to target domains. Before you apply this hotfix, if you use the SetDefaultADLinkMap scripting method on a target domain, and if one of the OUs was removed or renamed, the SetDefaultADLinkMap script maps to the domain container in the target domain. After you apply this hotfix, when you run the SetDefaultADLinkMap script, if the OU was previously removed or renamed, the SetDefaultADLinkMap script sets the target OU as empty and does not map the OU to the domain container.

Additionally, before you apply this hotfix, when migrating a GPO in the GPA Console from one domain to another, if target domain mapping links do not exist, the script still migrates the incorrect GPO mapping entries. After you apply the hotfix, when migrating a GPO, the script checks the mapping entries of the target domain prior to migration. The script skips any mapping settings that are invalid. (ENG302507)

Resolves an Issue Where the GPA Console Does Not Export GPOs with Export Only Accounts Configured on Trusted Domains
This hotfix resolves an issue where the GPA Console does not export GPOs with Export Only Accounts (EOAs) configured on a trusted domain. Before you apply this hotfix, when you export a GPO with an EOA configured to a trusted domain, the GPO fails to export and the GPA Console generates an error specifying insufficient modify rights in GPO security filters. After you apply this hotfix, you can export a GPO with an EOA to a trusted domain without any permission errors. (ENG300947, ENG301459)

Resolves an Issue Where Public Key and Auto Enrollment Policies Set on Windows 2008 Server Console Computers Do Not Apply on Client Computers
This hotfix resolves an issue with Public Key and Auto Enrollment policies on client computers and users. Before you apply this hotfix, when you use the GPA Console running on a Windows Server 2008 computer to configure Public Key and Auto Enrollment policies for a GPO, these policies do not apply on client computers and users. After you apply this hotfix, when you configure the Public Key and Auto Enrollment policies using the GPA Console running on a Windows Server 2008 computer, these policies apply on client computers and users successfully. (ENG301382)

Resolves an Issue Where the Event Log Displays Incorrect Log Entries during Certain GP Repository Operations
This hotfix resolves an issue where the GPA Console displays unnecessary information in Event Log entries during certain GP Repository operations. Before you apply the hotfix, when you check in, check out, approve, unapprove, export, or import a GPO in the GP Repository, the GPA Console logs the operations in the event log. However, additional unnecessary error information displays in the Description section of the event log. After you apply the hotfix, the event log displays only information about GP Repository operations. (ENG300963)

System Requirements
This hotfix requires NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 6.2.

Installing This Hotfix
Complete the following steps to install this hotfix on each GPA Console and GPA Server.

To install this hotfix:

  1. Log on to the GPA Console or GPA Server computer with a local administrator account.
  2. Run the GPA62000_Hotfix72797.exe file.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard until you have finished installing the hotfix.
  4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 on each GPA Console computer and the GPA Server computer.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72797

You can post feedback in the GPA forum on Qmunity, our community Web site that also includes product notifications, blogs, and product user groups.

Known Issues
NetIQ Corporation strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your enterprise software needs. The following issues are currently being researched. If you need further assistance with any issue, please contact Technical Support.

Possible Error Exporting GPO after Modifying EOA Credentials on GPA Servers Running Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 R2
If you modify the EOA credentials and your GPA Server is running on Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 R2 and the Domain Controller (DC) is running Windows 2008 R2, and you export a GPO, the console may display the error, "GPO export failed: Unable to connect to the target DC's IPC share. Please check the export account or IPC share settings." Restart both the GPA application and COM+ services on the GPA Server before performing a GPO Export. (ENG304990)

Modified Files
This hotfix modifies the following files in the GPA Installation Path\Bin folder:

NqGPME.dll (GPA Console Only)