FTP logging check has been superseded by the FTP logging status check. (NETIQKB72710)

  • 7772710
  • 09-Dec-2010
  • 22-Dec-2010


Netiq Secure Configuration Manager 5.8

Netiq Secure Configuration Manager 5.8.1


The previous FTP Logging Status check reported Not Enabled and incorrectly gives a penalty.


The FTP logging status check has been released to be used instead of the old FTP logging check. The changes clarify scoring and results returned. The new check now allows the user to enter a parameter for the expected status of FTP logging.

To obtain this update download the following package through SCM Autosync.

Security Check for UNIX (December 2010)


The FTP Logging Status was incorrectly giving a penalty.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72710