Deployment Service fails to start due to password error even when the password is correct (NETIQKB72703)

  • 7772703
  • 02-Dec-2010
  • 25-Jan-2017


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 8.x
NetIQ AppManager 9.1
NetIQ AppManager Control Center 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Control Center 8.x
NetIQ AppManager Control Center 9.1


One of the 3 situations occur:
  • Deployment Service fails to start due to password error even when the password is correct
  • Deployment Service fails to start and when setting the password for the service, it prompts for 'More?'
  • Deployment service logs show an authentication error when using the deployment service password even though the password was entered correctly


This problem can be remedied by surrounding the password in quotation marks when setting the it using the deploymentservice.exe. This will work with any password that uses any special characters and reserved characters.
     DeploymentService.exe -setwindowsauth Domain\Username "P@$$word123"


The password being used for the service account that the deployment service is using contains either special characters (ie. $%*&) or reserved characters (ie. periods and commas).

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72703