When logged into server with the /console command, WebRT reports 'No user is logged in.' (NETIQKB72700)

  • 7772700
  • 02-Dec-2010
  • 02-Dec-2010


NetIQ AppManager 7.x
NetIQ AppManager Response Time for Web Module 7.x
Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection 6.1 (and above)
Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1 (and above)


WebRT scripts are returning error events that state 'No user is logged in.' when using the /console command with RDC 6.1 or above.
In the WebRT documentation it states that you should be able to log into the console remotely using the 'mstc /console' command to fullfill the logged in user requirement.


The newer versions of RDC/RDP (6.1 and above) now use the '/admin' command line switch in order to access the remote console session.  In order to fullfill the WebRT requirement of having an interactive user logged in when you do not have access to the physical machine and you are using RDC 6.1 or above, you will need to use the 'mstsc.exe /admin' command.

This information does not apply when connecting to a Windows 2008 Server machine or Windows Vista/7 machine from another machine of the same version, but does apply when connecting to a Windows 2003 Server machine or below from a Windows 2008/Vista/7 machine.

Please see the following Microsoft KB article for more information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/947723


The newer version of RDC/RDP (6.1 and above) no longer support the '/console' command line switch in order to log into the remote console session.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72700