Directory & Resource Administrator 8.6.x
Directory & Resource Administrator 8.7
Directory & Resource Administrator 8.7
Error when trying to connect to DRA.
Unable to connect to Administration server. Error creating an instance of the Com Component with CLSID{} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error:80070721 (A security package specific error) occurred.
Unable to connect to Administration Server Creating an instance of the COM Component.
Unable to connect to Administration server. Error creating an instance of the Com Component with CLSID{} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error:80070721 (A security package specific error) occurred.
Unable to connect to Administration Server Creating an instance of the COM Component.
This issue can be resolved in two ways:
1) Registering the follwing Service Princable Name SPN's should reslove this issue:
setspn -A DCOMService/DCOMServer Domain\DCOMServiceAccount
setspn -A DCOMService/DCOMServerFQDN Domain\DCOMServiceAccount
setspn -A DCOMService/DCOMServerFQDN Domain\DCOMServiceAccount
Where DCOMService for DRA is: MCSAdminSvc and DCOMServer/DCOMServerFQDN is the name of the DRA server.
Note: Please note the space between DCOMServer and Domain and DCOMServerFQDN and Domain.
2) Add NETIQ/DRASVR to the ServicePrincipalName attribute of the DRA Service Account in ADSIEdit.
This happens because when the client requests a Kerberos ticket for the COM+ application or the DCOM service it uses a user name as the SPN (Service Principal Name). The KDC (Key Distribution Center) finds the account but it does not have any SPN.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB72697