Package Check-in fails with BITS error in Control Center (NETIQKB72690)

  • 7772690
  • 18-Nov-2010
  • 15-Jun-2011


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ Control Center 7.0.x


Package Check-in fails with BITS error in Control Center


Please use an explicit file path (such as C:\Program Files\NetIQ\AppManager\Packages), rather than a UNC path (such as \\Server\ShareName) when pointing the package check-in process to the file locate of the .xml file or package to be checked-in.  If you continue to see the same BITS error, please contact NetIQ Technical Support.


The Check-in process requires a distinct file path, and cannot handle UNC paths for the location of the .xml file/package to be checked-in.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72690