NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.5
Windows 2003
Windows 2008
SQL 2005
SQL 2008
SQL 2008 R2
NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.5 - Hotfix 72687 (Version 2.7.650.0)
Date Published: March 2011
You can post feedback in the Analysis Center forum on Qmunity, our community Web site that also includes product notifications, blogs, and the Analysis Center user group. For more information about the issues resolved with this hotfix, see NetIQ Knowledge Base article NETIQKB72687.
Why Install This Hotfix?
This hotfix adds the following support and resolves the following issues:
Adds support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, in addition to existing support for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008.
Resolves an issue that causes an error in the Add Datasource wizard when the Data Mart is installed on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. (ENG298742)
Resolves an issue in which Analysis Center does not collect AppManager virtual server objects as computers. Analysis Center now recognizes and loads data from virtual server objects in the Microsoft Windows OS module for AppManager. (ENG300457, ENG301891, ENG300106)
Optimizes account validation, which may improve the speed of working in the Analysis Center Console. (ENG294865)
Corrects an issue when the Analysis Center Console and the AppManager Control Center Console are installed on the same computer. If there are open Control Center Consoles on the computer, the links to those Consoles from the Analysis Center Console now work. The links are located in the Tasks pane in the Related Links section. (ENG295546)
Corrects an issue when using the Interval attribute of the Time context. Analysis Center now returns an interval for the Interval attribute, rather than a time range. (ENG300752)
Corrects an issue when you select contexts in the Analysis Center Console. The query was optimized and may increase the speed of rendering the Machine Group tree in the Console. (ENG292187)
Resolves an issue in which Analysis Center ignores a specified report width when you save the report and deploy it to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). In the Properties pane of the Analysis Center Console, if you specify a width value in the Comments field, and then save the report and deploy it to SSRS, Analysis Center now applies the specified width. (ENG303963)
Resolves an issue in which ETL Step 16 fails with the following error:
Exec dbo.GroomFactData @idLoad, @idETLStep failed with the following error: "Cannot drop the table 'dbo.Data_xxxxxxxx'"
Analysis Center now verifies the existence of the table, and the ETL process no longer fails on Step 16 because of this error. (ENG293888)
Improves the way Analysis Center recovers from ETL failures. When the ETL process is not working for more than 48 hours, Analysis Center now collects data incrementally, every 48 hours. This reduces the load for ETL Step 16 and reduces the risk of a Step 16 failure the next time you process the ETL job. This applies to new data only, not to historical data that you loaded when you set up the data source. Because data collection in this situation is incremental, you might need to allow the ETL job to run more than once to obtain all the latest data. If you need to increase or decrease the frequency of the incremental data collection, contact NetIQ Technical Support. See the Support Contact Information Web site. (ENG300768)
Resolves an issue in which the data table in the QDB is empty, causing Analysis Center to duplicate each data point in the table. ETL processing now handles empty data tables correctly, and no longer duplicates data points. (ENG283606)
Corrects an issue when scanning multiple partitions across time zones. Analysis Center now processes non-UTC partitions based on UTC time so that the data distribution is correct in the cube partitions. This also may improve performance when executing reports. (ENG282777)
Corrects an issue after running the Analysis Center Installation Job. Analysis Center now processes non-UTC cube partitions based on UTC time so that the OLAP processing job no longer deletes partitions unexpectedly. (ENG291634)
Corrects an issue that occurs if you do a manual full process of the AC_OLAP cubes. Manual processing no longer results in potential data gaps or duplicate data. (ENG283608)
Resolves an issue that causes the following error on OLAP Step 9: Rigid relationships between attributes cannot be changed during incremental processing of a dimension. Analysis Center now supports a dimension hierarchy that can be incrementally processed when it has child elements with multiple parents. (ENG286417)
Resolves an issue in which OLAP Step 9 fails because of invalid modification times in the QDB and aggregations. (ENG298689)
Resolves an issue in which OLAP Step 11 does not respond when there are a large number of servers and management groups. The process no longer hangs in this situation. (ENG288658)
System Requirements
This hotfix requires NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.5.
Installing This Hotfix
Before you install this hotfix, ensure that there are no administrative tasks in process, such as adding or removing data sources.
When you install this hotfix, Analysis Center recreates and runs the ETL processing job on each Analysis Center data source. It also recreates the AC_OLAP database and runs the OLAP processing job. You will be able to view your reports when the OLAP processing job has run successfully the first time after applying the hotfix. This will take some time, depending on the amount of data to process.
Install this hotfix on all computers with the following components:
-Data Extension
-Data Warehouse (AC_Warehouse database installed on a computer running Microsoft SQL Server)
-Web Service (installed on a computer running Microsoft Internet Information Services)
NOTE: Data Mart computers do not require this hotfix.
To install this hotfix:
-Using an account with administrative privileges, log on to the computer on which you want to install the hotfix.
-Close all Analysis Center Consoles running on the computer on which you are installing this hotfix.
-Run the AC275_HotFixHF72687.exe file.
-Follow the wizard instructions.
-Repeat steps 1 through 4 on each computer on which Analysis Center components are installed.
Modified Files
This hotfix modifies the following files on Console computers:
NQACAdmin.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
NQACApp.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
NQACLib.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following file on Data Extension computers:
NQACLib.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following files on Web Service computers:
NQACLib.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
NQACService.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following files in the Bin folder:
NetIQETL.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
NQOLAP90.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
NQOLAP100.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
XmlCheckInLib.dll (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following file in the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services folder:
NQACLib.dll (Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin) (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following XSL files:
Config\ETL XSL\template.AMExtractFactData.XSL (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
Config\ETL XSL\template.AMExtractDimensionData.XSL (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
Config\ETL XSL\AppManager.StartDataSource.XSL (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
Config\ETL XSL\template.AMTransformFactData.XSL (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following stored procedures in the AC_Warehouse database:
PopulateHierarchyData2 (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
ViewGroups (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
PopulateHierarchyData (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following stored procedures in the AC_Configuration database:
AddRemovePartitions (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
UpdatePartitionForProcess (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
GetEnabledGroups (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
UpdateCubePartition_Created (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
UpdateCubePartition_Processed (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
UpdateCubePartition_Deleted (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
UpdatePartitionForProcess (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
This hotfix modifies the following stored procedures in the AC_Data Mart database:
DBInitialize (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
AggregatePartitionData (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
CreateFactTable (Build Number 2.7.650.0)
Known Issues
NetIQ Corporation strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your enterprise software needs. The following issue is currently being researched. If you need further assistance with any issue, please contact Technical Support.
After you apply this hotfix, and Analysis Center completes the first run of the OLAP processing job successfully, you may not see all the expected data in your report. To correct this, reapply the hotfix on the Data Warehouse component. (ENG304491)
Additional Information