Unhandled Exception when creating a Rule Based Management Group (NETIQKB72669)

  • 7772669
  • 09-Nov-2010
  • 18-Jan-2012


AppManager 7.0.x


Unhandled Exception when creating a Rule Based Management Group, or when creating a new rule for a Rule Based Management Group.
Unable to create new deployment rules that use the server group filter.


Use the following queries to identify which child management group entries have no parent entry or which parent entry is not tied to any child entities:

The following query statement that should return 0 rows,

select * from ManagementGroup where ManagementGroupID in
(select ObjectID from Object where ParentObjectID not in ( select ObjectID from Object)  and  Type='NQCCMGMTGROUP')

If this query returns results please contact NetIQ Support, and reference this KB article. Please backup the NQCCDB prior to contacting support.


A previously created management group was deleted from the console but all related database entries were not properly removed.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72669