Event id 9015 , The NetIQ Security Manager Service received an unexpected exception (NETIQKB72625)

  • 7772625
  • 13-Oct-2010
  • 22-Oct-2010


Security Manager 6.5.2 and earlier


Event id 9015 , The NetIQ Security Manager Service received an unexpected exception

Thread name: ConsResp


Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Security Manager 6.5 corrects this issue. 

Click the following link to download Service Packs for Security Manager (Note: requires access to locked resources)


If the central computer receives data from an agent computer that does not include a valid domain name and tries to store that data in the OnePoint database, the NetIQ Security Manager service stops unexpectedly.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72625

With the installation of SP3, Security Manager now checks all received data for valid domain names before storing the data in the database and properly handles data without valid domain names.