OS/400 V7R1 system values are missing from the SCM iSeries system values provider. (NETIQKB72622)

  • 7772622
  • 13-Oct-2010
  • 29-Oct-2010


NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager 5.8


OS/400 V7R1 system values are missing from the SCM iSeries system values provider.
OS/400 V7R1 system values are missing from the SCM iSeries namespace
System value baseline criteria does not included newly added system values in V7R1.
The values missing are:
QPWDEXPITV Password expiration interval
QPWDEXPWRN Password expiration warning
QPWDRULES Password rules
QSSLCSL Secure sockets layer cipher specification list
QSSLCSLCTL Secure sockets layer cipher control
QSSLPCL Secure sockets layer protocols


Download the latest Autosync update Baseline and Security Checks for iSeries (October 2010).


The current available system value baseline criteria  does not include the OS/400 V7R1 system values.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72622