PowerShell 2.0 or other .msu package won't install. Setup Eventlog messages indicate; The Windows update "Update for Windows (KB 968930)" could not be installed because of an error: 2147942417 "The system cannot move the file to a different disk drive." (Command line: ""C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe" "C:\Temp\Windows6.0-KB 968930-x64.msu" ") Also the C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log indicates error 0x80070011 for the package being installed. Root cause:
The junction point is required for using the Offline ADMX feature in GPA. In order to manage/generate settings report for the Offline GPO with ADMX settings, the junction point is used in GPA.
steps to work Around this issue:
1.) Rename "C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions" (junction) From: PolicyDefinitions To: _PolicyDefinitions
2.) Install PowerShell 2.0 or other .msu package. Look for success at end of install.
3.) Reboot server
4.) Verify install for PowerShell by starting PowerShell and typing get-host this will return the version of PowerShell.
5.) Delete the "C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions" folder created auto-magically during reboot.
6.) Rename C:\Windows\_PolicyDefinitions (junction) From: _PolicyDefinitions To: PolicyDefinitions