Directory & Resource Administrator 8.6.x
Directory & Resource Administrator 8.7.x
When the AD Collector job runs, one of the final steps performed is updating it's status in the Running_Jobs table. The job will update its status as failed or complete depending on the outcome of the job. The DRA Scheduler task will check the Running_jobs table before initiating the DRA AD Collector job. If there is already an entry in the running_jobs table for the AD Collector job, the scheduler will fail to start the AD collector; and write an event to the Windows Application Event log on the DRA Server configured to run the AD Collector job.
The Job Name (which matches the domain name) will be listed in the Windows Event
Delete * from Running_jobs where collector_info = '<Exact CaSe sensitive name of the AD Collector Job>'
If there is only 1 Managed Domain, or only 1 Active AD Collector job use Delete * from running_jobs
This issue can occur when the DRA AD Collector job is interrupted before it can update its status in SQL.
Additional Information
The only data being deleted with the SQL queries is data related to the status of a specific AD Collector job. When performing any data changes to a SQL Database, its often best to ensure there is a backup of the database.