NetIQ AppManager 8.0.x
NetIQ AppManager 8.x
The NetIQ AppManager Control Center Deployment Service is unable to install an AppManager Agent on a remote server, error reported:
‘The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specified service does not exist. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800704DD)’
- The NetIQ AppManager Deployment Service itself must always run as LocalSystem. If it is not already running as Local System, please change it and then re-start the Deployment Service.
- During the installation of the Deployment Service, either a Windows or SQL username and password were provided by the person performing the installation, for the Deployment Service to use in order to log into the NQCCDB database. The account that was provided must be defined in the NQCCDB database as an authorized admin user. This credential is kept in the registry under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetIQ\AppManager\Control Center\1.0\CCDB\WindowsAuthName and WindowsAuthPass
You may change this account and/or the password being used by this account using the following command from a command prompt (running as Administrator) from the program files\netiq\appmanager\control center\bin directory:
To set a Windows Domain Account to be used to access the NQCCDB:
DeploymentService -setwindowsauth <domain\user> <password>
To set a SQL Account to be used to access the NQCCDB:
DeploymentService -setsql <SQL_User> <password>
- In the Control Center Console, within the Tools -> Options widget, click on Deployment -> Credentials. The account configured here is the account that all new Deployment Rules will use by default in order to complete Deployment Tasks. This account information can be changed on any Deployment Rule, if the default account will not work for a given Rule.
This account should be a Windows Domain Account with sufficient privileges to copy the installation bundle to the target system, and be able to perform a silent install on the target system.
Once you have confirmed that all three accounts are properly configured, you should be able to start the Deployment Service and have Deployment Tasks succeed without receiving the error reported in this article.
There are three different accounts in use when dealing with the Deployment Service:
1. The account that the Deployment Service itself runs as.
2. The account that you provided during installation for the service to use in order to access the NQCCDB.
3. The account that you have configured for Deployment Tasks to use in order to perform Deployments to systems in the environment.
The error reported in this article results from to the way that the impersonation is performed when attempting to deploy an AppManager Agent to a remote server using the Control Center Deployment Service.
Additional Information
If you need further assistance with the subject matter discussed in this Knowledge Base Article, please contact NetIQ Technical Support.