Directory & Resource Administrator 8.1 SP2
Directory & Resource Administrator 8.5 SP1
Directory & Resource Administrator 8.5 SP1
Unable to do perform Exchange operations on secondary DRA servers running Exchange 2007 SP2
Error: The operation failed. Error occurred while performing Exchange Management Shell 2007 operation.
Unable to perform any Exchange operation for Users on Secondary DRA servers, but the same operations on the Primary work fine. Applies to Groups and Contacts as well.
Error: The operation failed. Error occurred while performing Exchange Management Shell 2007 operation.
Unable to perform any Exchange operation for Users on Secondary DRA servers, but the same operations on the Primary work fine. Applies to Groups and Contacts as well.
In these install scenarios, the following registry entries are not being correctly removed/deleted:
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{557FEBD1-5E6E-361F-AD77-35240A52C166}
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\NetIQ.DRA.Server.X2K7Module.X2k7Helper
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{557FEBD1-5E6E-361F-AD77-35240A52C166}
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\NetIQ.DRA.Server.X2K7Module.X2k7Helper
To resolve this issue, perform the following steps:
- Stop DRA service
- Unregister NetIQ.DRA.Server.X2K7Module.dll
- Register NetIQ.DRA.Server.X2K7Module.dll
- Start DRA service
Verify once, if problem still exists, please perform the following steps:\
- Stop DRA service
- Unregister NetIQ.DRA.Server.X2K7Module.dll
- Remove the above mentioned registry keys
- Register NetIQ.DRA.Server.X2K7Module.dll
- Start DRA service
This issue occurs in DRA 8.1 SP2 upgraded to 8.5 SP1 or if 8.1SP2 is uninstalled and then 8.5 SP1 is installed. Registry entries are not deleted. Applies to both 32 and 64 bit servers.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB72450