Security Manager 6.0
Security Manager 6.5
How do the Security Manager Agents get module updates?
To acess the module updates from a CC WITH Internet Acess:
Open the Mointor Console (SM 6.0)
Open the Security Manager Control (SM 6.5 and above)
Launch the Module Installer
Place a check in the box for "NetIQ AutoSync Server" -- This will require an active Internet connection from the CC
Next the list of Install Modules will appear with a column for current version and the installed version
Place a check in the box next to the Module(s) to be updated
Click Install to complete the process
To acess the Module Updates from a CC WITH OUT Internet Access:
Open the Mointor Console (SM 6.0)
Open the Security Manager Control (SM 6.5 and above)
Launch the Module Installer
Click the Settings Box
Copy the URL for the NetIQ Autosync Server
Launch this URL on a machine that HAS internet access
Compare the current version listed on the Module Update Website to the Installed Version listed in the Module installer launched
Dowload the Module(s) to be update into a specfic folder. **Note: The contents of this folder will need to be copied directly to the CC**
Copy the downloaded Module(s) to the CC
Open the Development Console
Expand Devleopment Console
Right Click on Processing Rule Groups
Choose Import Custom Module
Choose the Middle Option -- "Merge, and always use the rules defined in the module. Preserve my company's knowlege base comments" ---- This will overwrite the contents of the rule(s) within the Module, but save any custom knowledge base comments made within the rules.
Repeat the above steps for an additional modules
Security Manager uses various modules to provide content for rules that are deployed to the Agents. From time to time NetIQ will update the Modules with new content.
Additional Information
As always NetIQ Recomends using a custom Processing Rule Group for any customizations or changes made to the pre-configured rules within the Development console. Also be sure to read the release notes for any modules that are upated, as certain module updates can change the layout of Processing Rule Groups and Processing Rules, within the Development Console.
Changes to the Modules listed below will also update the Providers used by agents. The affected provider cab file(s) will need to be installed on the agent(s) using those providers. For more information on updating the Provider on an Agent, see --
Modules that have providers assoicated with them:
- Change Guardian for Windows
- Change Guardian for Group Policy
- Windows Remote Event Log Reader
- Check Point Firewall