The old records of the ActionHistory table are not automatically purged. (NETIQKB72420)

  • 7772420
  • 25-Jun-2010
  • 25-Jun-2010


NetIQ AppManager 7.x
NetIQ AppManager Repository Database


The ActionHistory table is too large and causes the QDB size to be much too large.

You can see how many pages each table allocated on the QDB with 'dbcc showcontig', when the size of QDB is extremely large.

The ActionHistory table in the NetIQ AppManager Repository Database (QDB) might occupy many pages.


You can see how many pages are allocated in the QDB to each table by running the 'dbcc showconfig' query.  If the ActionHistory table is using up more pages than you would like you can either clean up the table manually, or if you have no need for any of the Action History you can completely purge all of records from the ActionHistory table.

Note: As either of the following Options requires direct interaction with and deletion of data from the AppManager Repository Database (QDB), it is recommended that you only execute either of the following Options immediately after a back-up of the QDB Database has been completed.

Option 1: Manual Clean-Up

You can manually configure the retention period for Action history, and clean up Action history that is older than your configured retention period by following the steps below:

  1. Update  "DelActionJobInTaskDaily" (id = 15) value in the AppManager Respoitory Database (QDB) GlobalPref table by executing the following query in respective QDB:

    update GlobalPref set val=<Replace days in hours> where id = 15

    To calculate the days to keep (i.e. <Replace days in hours> in the above query), use the following formulas to convert days to hours:

    To delete 1 day old records   => 1 * 24 = 24
    To delete 5 day old records   => 5 * 24 = 120
    To delete 10 day old records  => 10 * 24 = 240


    Using the above formulas, in order to set the retention period for Action history records to 10 days, you would use the following query:

    update GlobalPref set val=240 where id = 15

  2. Once the global preference has been set using Step 1 (above), execute the following procedure in the AppManager Repository Database:

exec dbo.DelOldAction

Option 2: Complete Purge of Action History

If you do not wish to retain any history of the Actions that have been performed through this AppManager Site, use the following query to remove ALL Action history from the AppManager Repository Database (QDB):

truncate table QDB.dbo.ActionHistory

Note: If you are using a custom (non-default) name for the Repository, you will need to use that name in place of 'QDB' in the above query.


There is no built-in Scheduled SQL Task in the NetIQ AppManager Repository Database that will automatically clean up the ActionHistory table.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72420

If you need further assistance with the subject matter discussed in this Knowledge Base Article, please contact NetIQ Technical Support.