NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Control Center 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Agent on 64-bit Windows OS
An error is received when trying to deploy any Module to specific Windows 64-bit AppManager Agents.
Module deployment through Control Center produces the following or a similar message: 'A registry query on the machine failed. The machine may not be reachable or the credentials for accessing it are not valid.'
NOTE: The following fix is only intended for AppManager Windows Agents running on 64-bit Windows Operatoring Systems. If you find the same or similar issues on AppManager Agents running on 32-bit Windows Operating Systems, please contact NetIQ Technical Support before making any of the following changes.
NOTE: You should export a copy of the Registry on the affected AppManager Agent before applying the following fix, as accidentally deleting an incorrect registry key may cause unexpected problems on the server.
A properly installed AppManager Agent on 64-bit Windows OS will create all of it's registry keys under HKLM | Software | Wow3264Node | NetIQ | AppManager. The 32-bit NetIQ AppManager registry keys are erroneous and unnecessary on 64-bit OS AppManager Agents.
Removing the following 32-bit key on 64-bit AppManager Agent servers should allow Module Deployments and installations to complete successfully:
HKLM | Software | Netiq | AppManager
You do not need to re-start the AppManager Agent Services on this server, nor will this fix require a reboot of the server.
A previous installation of the AppManager Agent on 64-bit Windows OS servers has left incomplete, and unnecessary 32-bit Registry entries under:
HKLM | Software | NetIQ | AppManager
The module installer must determine whether the OS it is being run on is a Windows 32-bit OS, or 64-bit OS. When it finds these erroneous 32-bit registry keys in the above noted Registry path, the module installer incorrectly assumes that this server is a 32-bit Windows OS, and attempts to push out the Module using the 32-bit installation package.
32-bit AppManager Module installations requires additional keys to pre-exist under HKLM | Software | NetIQ | AppManager. The Module installer will fail with the noted error message because those additional 32-bit keys that are necessary for the installation to complete, are missing.