Security Manager upgrade fails (Expired License) (NETIQKB72335)

  • 7772335
  • 21-May-2010
  • 04-Apr-2012


SM 6.5

SM 6.5.2


This article explained the process to complete an upgrade to the Security Manager Core components when the upgrade fails due to an expired license.

During the upgrade process the databases will be upgraded successfully. When the installer begins to upgrade the Security Manager Infrastucture module, it will fail
the license check and roll back the installation. When the roll back is complete, the following error will be put into the application log:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 11722
Date: 5/20/2010
Time: 3:29:31 PM
User: Domain\InstallingUser
Computer: NETIQCC
Product: NetIQ Security Manager 6.5.2 -- Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.
Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action InstallSelfMonitoringModule, location: C:\Program Files\NetIQ Security Manager\OnePoint\, command:
"C:\Program Files\NetIQ Security Manager\OnePoint\NetIQ.SM.ModuleImport.Gui.exe" -xa -i -d NETIQCC

When the MSI package completes the roll back process, it will remove the Data Access Server from the Central Computer. Without the DAS component, you can not use the
Development Console or Monitor Console to import a new license.


To start the fix process you will need to get a new license into the database. See the following steps to complete this task:

On the Database Server hosting the Onepoint database:

  1. Backup the Onepoint database.

  2. Delete the License table in Onepoint database.

  3. Detach the Security Manager databases.

  4. Run a database only installation.

  5. Copy the license table from the new Onepoint database to a Temporary database.

    Use Onepoint
    select * into temp..license from onepoint..license

  6. Delete newly created Security Manager database. (Use Caution: Do not delete the original Configuration Group Databases)

  7. Copy the License from the Temporary database to the original Onepoint database.

    Use Onepoint
    select * into onepoint..license from  temp..license

  8. Delete the Temporary database.

On the Central Computer where the installation failed:

  1. Open the Control Panel.

  2. Open Add/Remove Programs.

  3. Uninstall NetIQ Security Manager.

  4. Close Add/Remove Programs and the Control Panel.

  5. Run the Security Manager installation MSI and select the Central Computer installation (and any other UI's that you previously had installed).


This problem is caused by a license verification process that take place when the Module Installer runs to upgrade the Infrastructure Module.
If the license is expired, the Module Installer can not complete it's work and the installation fails.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72335