How do I migrate the Analysis Center 2.7.x AC_OLAP database to another server? (NETIQKB72287)

  • 7772287
  • 06-May-2010
  • 05-Nov-2010


NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.x
Microsoft Analysis Services 2005
Microsoft Analysis Services 2008


How do I upgrade the Analysis Center 2.7.x AC_OLAP database to Analysis Center 2.7.5 and move the database to another server?
What steps should be performed to upgrade the Analysis Center 2.7.x AC_OLAP database to version 2.7.5 and move the database to another server?


Please refer to the NetIQ Analysis Center User Guide included with Analysis Center 2.7.5 to view instructions on how to upgrade and migrate from NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.x to NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7.5.

The following list is an overview of the data migration process and pages referenced are from the NetIQ Analysis Center User Guide for Analysis Center 2.7.5:

  1. Disable all your Data Sources using the Analysis Center Console. For more information, see ?Preparing for Migration? on page 32.
  2. Back up your Analysis Center databases. For more information, see ?Backing Up Databases Before Migration? on page 32.
  3. Install Analysis Center 2.7.5 on the new server. For more information, see ?Installing Analysis Center 2.7.5? on page 33.
  4. Restore the databases to the new server. For more information, see ?Restoring Databases? on page 33.
  5. Run the Data Migration Utility and enable all your Data Sources using the Analysis Center Console. For more information, see ?Using the Data Migration Utility? on page 34.
  6. Perform post-migration steps related to deployed reports. For more information, see ?Deploying Reports After Data Migration? on page 35.

For information on how to migrate your Analysis Services database using a backup & restore procedure refer to the URL link below or SQL Books Online.

In a migration, if your AC_OLAP database is currently running with Analysis Center 2.7 Service Pack 1 (including any hotfixes) or Analysis Center 2.7.5, and you back up & restore the AC_OLAP database to a different server, you need to modify the connection properties of the Data Warehouse so that it can connect to the AC_OLAP database in its new location.

Modifying the Analysis Services Database Connection Properties After Migrating the AC_OLAP Database

  1. In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, expand the Analysis Services instance containing the AC_OLAP database, and click Databases > AC_OLAP > Data Sources > DS_ACWarehouse.
  2. Right-click DS_ACWarehouse and click Properties.
  3. In the Connection Manager dialog box, click on the ellipsis button [...] in the connection string field & supply the following properties:
    • In the Provider field, select Native OLE DB\SQL Server Native Client 10.0.
    • In the Server Name field, enter the server name and instance where the AC_Warehouse database is located. Use the format ServerName[\Instance].
    • In the Connect To a Database box, click Select or enter a database name and provide the name of the AC_Warehouse database.
    • Click 'OK'.
  4. Click 'OK'.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72287