CC cache manager: Error 1001, Cache manager not responding (NETIQKB72263)

  • 7772263
  • 28-Apr-2010
  • 03-Jun-2011


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager Control Center 7.0.4


CC cache manager: Error 1001, Cache manager not responding

Cache log error:

[SQL COMMAND: exec dbo.SyncManagementGroup 'SGPAPP03.QDB' ] The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has cancelled the distributed transaction.
Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) has stopped this transaction.
CC_verifyMG(@caller:CC_RemoveAMemberFromMG): some (VSGID,Type) from CC_ViewCCSG_Modtime does not exist in CC_MGMember. (SQL severity 18).

View cannot be seen anymore both on Control Center and AppManager Operator Console.


The view references must be deleted from all the related depending tables.

Here is a list of the affected QDB tables:

ViewServerObject, Views, Query, ViewHierarchy, Object, CC_Viewccsg_ModTime,




A view has been partially deleted and does not exists in CC_MGMember table but there are references to it in the rest of the table structure (dependencies).

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72263