AppManager 7.0.x
NetIQ Control Center 7.0.x
On a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 installation with a linked server configured to "SQLHOSTSERVER", execution of a remote stored procedure fails with error: "Server "SQLHOSTSERVER' is not configured for RPC"
After adding a QDB to Control Center or moving the Control Center database to a new sql server you see error "Server "SQLHOSTSERVER' is not configured for RPC" in Cache manager status.
To correct this problem, please run the following queries against the NQCCDB database:
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc', @optvalue='true'
exec sp_serveroption @server='myserver', @optname='rpc out', @optvalue='true'
Once these two queries are run successfully against the NQCCDB, the results of teh exec sp_helpserver query should include 'rpc,rpc out'. At this point the NetIQ Cache Manager service should be re-started, and should properly process all future RPC-related transactions.
The rot cause of this problem is most likely that RPC is not configured for your linked server. This is not a default option. You can see what settings are configured with the following query against the Control Center Database (named NQCCDB by default):
exec sp_helpserver
If 'rpc,rpc out' is not in your results, then the the linked server isn't configured for RPC.
Additional Information
If you needs additional assistance with this issue, or have questions about the Fix provided in this article, please contact NetIQ Technical Support.