How do I check out a Knowldge Script from the QDB?
The following steps can be performed to check out a single Knowledge Script or all Knowledge Script from an AppManager Repository (QDB) database:
Launch the Command Prompt on a machine that has the Operator Console installed and type:
Kscheckout ?e servername:databasename:login:password ?d c:\KS\\ -k NT_*:4: -o
The above command will check out all Knowledge Scripts in the NT tab to a folder on the C: called KS
You will need to do this for each KS tab in the Operator Console.
Switch details for the KSCHECKOUT utility:
SERVERNAME - name of the SQL server hosting the AppManager Repository (QDB) database
DATABASENAME - name of the AppManager Repository database (default name is QDB)
LOGIN- sql login information. Specify an account that has the proper permissions to checkout a KS.
PASSWORD - password for the login account.
-d - destination directory
-k is the checkout KS option. The format of it (scriptname:version:filepath) does not have to be complete. In this example we checked out the whole NT group. The 4 is necessary. For another group such as sql use the following -k SQL_*:4: