How do I move the AMPP Application and Database to a new machine? (NETIQKB72219)

  • 7772219
  • 15-Apr-2010
  • 18-Apr-2014


AppManager Performance Profiler 4.1.2
AppManager Performance Profiler 4.1.2 SP1
AppManager Performance Profiler 4.1.2 SP2
AppManager Performance Profiler 4.5


How do I move the AMPP Application and Database to a new machine?


The following instructions will guide you through the necessary steps to move the AppManager Performance Profiler application from one application server to another while preserving the existing baselines and database contents. It should be understood that during this process the data collection and analysis functions will be interrupted and may cause a gap in the AppManager Performance Profiler data.

This article explains the steps involved in moving the AppManager Performance Profiler application only. It is assumed that the AppManager Performance Profiler (Analytics by default) and database server will not be moved or renamed in any way. If you are moving the database as well, you will need to follow the directions in the section 'How to move the AppManager Performance Profiler database to a new SQL Server database server' as well. It is also assumed that you are installing the same version and build of AppManager Performance Profiler that is currently running.

Verify Existing AppManager Performance Profiler Operation

Before beginning the migration to the new system, it is important to make certain the existing Appmanager Performance Profiler installation is working. This will help limit the scope of any required troubleshooting should issues arise with the AppManager Performance Profiler installation on the new system. Using the Netuitive AppManager Performance Profiler, verify, at a minimum, the following:

  • All Managed Elements have current Workload and Health values
  • There are no unexplained Missing Data alarms
  • Baseline Assistant shows current Actual data on a random sampling of systems
  • Verify the Version and Build number

Install AppManager Performance Profiler

On the new application server, install AppManager Performance Profiler. You must select "Create Database Manually" on the Database Info page.

If you are only moving the application, you do not want the installation process to modify the existing database. Make certain to specify the same database server name, database name and account to access the database as was previously used.

If you are moving the database on the DB Server Info Page of the installer choose the local machine where the database is being moved, along with the proper porting information. In the database name field please use the previous name of the database as it was installed on the previous AppManager Performance Profiler machine. By default this is AMPPDB.

Since you selected "Create Database Manually" during the installation, the AppManager Performance Profiler services on the new application server will not start automatically. This will prevent the new installation from affecting the previous installation that is still running.

Stop AppManager Performance Profiler Services

On the old AppManager Performance Profiler application server, stop all AppManager Performance Profiler services. You should also disable them at this time to prevent them from accidentally restarting.

Copy the Models

Copy the contents of the <install dir>models directory from the old AppManager Performance Profiler server to the <install dir>models directory on the new AppManager Performance Profiler server.

If you are not planning on moving the database please goto 'Update the Database'

How to move the AppManager Performance Profiler database to a new SQL Server database server

  1. Stop the AppManager Performance Profiler services in order to prevent further modification to the database.
  2. Backup the AppManager Performance Profiler (Analytics by default).
  3. Restore the database on the new database server.
  4. Update the configuration info in the following two files:


In both files, locate the line that begins with hibernate.connection.url and change the database server name to the new one. If the port number or instance name changed, you should also update the relative information for those in the same line.

For example:

hibernate.connection.url jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://dbserver1:1433/analytics;instance=


hibernate.connection.url jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://dbserver2:1433/analytics;instance=


  1. Update the configuration information in the database. Using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, open the N_Application_Property table in the AppManager Performance Profiler database. Modify the N_Value setting where N_Key=DatabaseUrl to reflect the new database settings.

For example:




Next change the N_Value setting where N_Key= ChainJMXServiceUrlPrefix to reflect the new database settings





If the port number or instance name changed, you should also update the relative information for those in the same database field. If the field for the machine is shown in a fully qualified domain name please make sure to following the same convention and use the fqdn for the new entry.

Update the Database

Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager, expand the AppManager Performance Profiler (amppdb by default) and navigate to the tables.

In the table APPLICATION change all references in the 'N_HOST' column to the new server. Change any values in the 'N_NAME' column that references the old server to the new server.

In the table N_APPLICATION_PROPERTY locate the record where N_KEY equals WepAppBaseURL. Modify the contents of N_VALUE by changing just the old server name to the new server name, making sure to leave all other content as is.

For example: http://oldserver:8080/ampp becomes http://newserver:8080/ampp

Also, change the 'N_Key' = 'ChainJMXServiceUrlPrefix' record to reference the new server.

Start the AMPP Analytics and Tomcat Services on the new server.

Verify Installation

Open the new AppManager Performance Profiler interface and verify that all systems appear as before. Allow for at least two collection cycles to run then verify that the data collection and analysis functions are working. You should see new workload and health values displayed. In Performance Assistant you should see new data plotted for the Actual value.

Backup and Uninstall the Old Installation

Preserve the .cor files we copied from the models directory, and the amppdb database in a safe location.

Using Add/Remove Programs, uninstall the old installation of AppManager Performance Profiler on the previous application server.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72219