AMU 7.1 process disappears with error: UnixAgent has been terminated by signal 10 on Solaris 10 (NETIQKB72177)

  • 7772177
  • 31-Mar-2010
  • 06-Jan-2012


Agent process disappears.


AMU 7.1 process disappears with error: UnixAgent has been terminated by signal 10 on Solaris 10 and Solaris 9


Switching output to file "/usr/netiq/AM/log/NqmAgt.log"
2010-03-31 10:14:55: /usr/netiq/AM/bin/nqmagt detects that UnixAgent has been terminated by signal 10
2010-03-31 10:14:55: /usr/netiq/AM/bin/nqmagt detects that UnixAgent has been terminated abnormally, so retry to run UnixAgent ...


Install SUNWuiu8 package on the Solaris systems.



After reviewing the pkginfo logs and the iconv package it has been noted that the SUNWuiu8 package is not installed.  The agent needs this to work.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72177