NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager 5.8
The AD check 'AD Accounts that expire in less than X days' also returns accounts that had already expired as well as accounts that never expire. 4 other AD checks have similar issues.
Five AD checks in SCM 5.8 return AD accounts that should not be returned:
AD Accounts not logged in for X days
AD Accounts that expire in less than X days
AD Accounts that have never logged in
AD Accounts without home directories
AD New users
Five AD checks in SCM 5.8 return AD accounts that should not be returned:
AD Accounts not logged in for X days
AD Accounts that expire in less than X days
AD Accounts that have never logged in
AD Accounts without home directories
AD New users
An AutoSync package has been created containing the five modified checks that have been validated. The AutoSync package name is Security Checks for Active Directory (2010/02/26).
This is a known issue within NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB72117