Security Manager 6.5
Security Manager 6.5 SP1
The best workaround at this time is to temporarily change the service account password so that it doesn?t contain any special characters (Currently known problem characters are '/','&', and 'space').
Once the install is complete, you can change the password.
We have confirmed that the following characters do not cause an issue:
'!', '@', '#'
Additional Information
To confirm that the installation or upgrade failure is due to bad characters follow the steps below:
Run the install manually with logging enabled as described below, and return the log files created in this process.
setup.msi /L*V <log file location\name>
example for verbose: setup.msi /L*V c:\SM65InstallLogs.txt
1. Re-run the setup
2. Install CC only
The following error will be found in the SM65InstallLogs.txt file.
SMInstall_Message:Executing DAS installation.
SMInstall_Message:Failed to Install DAS. Exit code: 1
SMInstall_Message:********************** Output from executable: **********************
SMInstall_Message:Exception occurred while installing DAS: DASInstaller::Package::CreateNewPackage SaveChanges failed: The identity or password set on the application is not valid