Console hangs on login. (NETIQKB72078)

  • 7772078
  • 05-Feb-2010
  • 11-Apr-2012


Netiq Secure Configuration Manager 5.8


How to reset the gui checksums for console hanging during login.


*Make sure you have a good database backup before starting

Run the following in query anaylzer against the vigilent database.

dbcc checkident (ChangeIncs, reseed, 0)

To reset the flags to 0 in the GUIChecksums table, run the following script,

UPDATE [VigilEnt].[dbo].[GUIChecksums]
   SET [PendingFlag] = 0
      ,[CompletedFlag] = 0
      ,[ServerFlag] = 0
      ,[ServerGroupFlag] = 0
      ,[UserFlag] = 0
      ,[UserGroupFlag] = 0
      ,[SecurityCheckupFlag] = 0
      ,[SuiteFlag] = 0
      ,[ScheduledFlag] = 0
      ,[AlertFlag] = 0
      ,[AgentFlag] = 0
      ,[DiscoveredHostFlag] = 0
      ,[HistoryFlag] = 0
      ,[ExceptionFlag] = 0


GUI Checksums are too large.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72078