Log manager for Unix configuration wizard is not maintaining changes. (NETIQKB72063)

  • 7772063
  • 28-Jan-2010
  • 12-May-2010


Security Manager 6.0


SQL 2005


Moving agents from one central computer to another using the Configuration wizard\log manager for UNIX, the changes are not staying in place. Upon closing and reopening the Configuration wizard, the changes revert back to the original settings.


  1. Stop the Security Manager service on each of the central computers.


  1. delete the coreid entries for the central computers from the Logmanagerconfiguration database coreroutes and servers table. 


Note: This will cause your UNIX agents to disappear from the view in log manager for UNIX.  Document your UNIX agents so you are ready to import back into the log manager for UNIX after resolving this issue.


  1. On each central computer, delete the one point\etc\core.id file and Create an empty file named forcecr.lck in the same place (...\etc)


  1. Restart the security manager service on all of the central computers. After the restart the forcecr.lck will be deleted and a new core.id file will be added is created.


  1. Run this sql query to confirm that the new coreid?s appear in the coreroutes table.


use logmanagerconfiguration select * from coreroutes


  1. If the new entries are there, the issue in log manager for UNIX should be resolved. Test it by opening log manager for Unix, add a Unix agent, remove it, and add it to another central computer?  Confirm that the changes are staying in place.  Whenever making changes in log manager for UNIX, be sure to close the wizard after each change.





The coreid for the central computer is missing from the logmanangerconfiguration\coreroutes table.  It is believed that the coreid is removed whenever the ?demote central computer? script is run.


Run this sql query to confirm which central computer entries are in the coreroutes table.


use logmanagerconfiguration

select * from coreroutes


Expected results should be a row for every central computer, confirm there is separate CoreRoutesID and Name for each central computer.



CoreRoutesID        Name           

1                          CC1

2                          CC2

3                          CC3

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72063

When importing the Unix agents back into log manager for Unix, there may be some duplicate entry errors that will not allow you to insert the agent.  The agent entries will need to be removed from the servers table.  If there are table constrictions that will not allow you to delete those entries, please contact TS.