How do I disable SENDKEEP for events sent through the CA Unicenter NSM Connector? (NETIQKB72051)

  • 7772051
  • 25-Jan-2010
  • 16-Dec-2010


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


How do I disable SENDKEEP for events sent through the CA Unicenter NSM Connector?


By default, the CA Unicenter NSM Connector leaves SENDKEEP set so all events generated in AppManager that are passed to CA Unicenter through the CA Unicenter NSM Connector will show up in the Held Messages area.  This is disabled by setting a specific registry key:

  1. Open Regedit
  2. Browse to HKLM\Software\NetIQ\AppManager\4.0\NetIQms\Integration\TNG\Config
  3. Create the NO SENDKEEP registry value as a REG_DWORD and set the value to 1
  4. Restart the NetIQ AppManager Management Service

The connector will now take on the new setting and place new events sent through the CA Unicenter NSM Connector into the default Log Messages section.


CA Unicenter NSM uses the SENDKEEP option to place messages into the Held Messages area.  In some environments it is desirable to not place events into the Held Messages area.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72051