How to I collect Windows MS diagnostics when I have a problem with a UNIX system? (NETIQKB72043)

  • 7772043
  • 19-Jan-2010
  • 19-Jan-2010


NetIQ AppManager 6.x
NetIQ AppManager 7.x



How to I collect Windows MS diagnostics when I have a problem with a UNIX system?


In order to gather Netiq diagnostic files, please do the following on the server that is experiencing this problem. Please note, this will not cause system performance issues and ONLY gathers information. It will not require a reboot of the server.

1. Start - Run - Netiqdiag

2. Under "Set Trace level for selected components", select Maximum trace level

  • Check AppManager agent
  • Check AppManager Management Server
  • Check AppManager KS
  • Click SET

3. Close the netiqdiag window and continue with the next steps:

  • restart the netiq services. (netiqms.exe, through the service management snapin)

4. Reproduce the problem

5. Generate the diagnostics dump by running: Start - Run -  `   Netiqdiag -c  `

6. Collect the diagnostic cab

  • Navigate to the NetIQ installation directory, enter the diag folder
  • Please send us the latest .cab file.

7. Important: To reduce tracing level:

  • Start - Run - Netiqdiag
  • Set Trace level for selected components = Average trace level
  • check AppManager agent
  • check AppManager KS
  • click SET
  • click CANCEL
  • restart the netiq services to set the tracing back to normal.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB72043