Security Manager 6.0
Log Archive server
There are 2 possible solutions for this issue. Thus, each fix process is separate.
The first procedure is the preferred solution because that process corrects the issue at the database level, however that solution is not always successful.
The second procedure must be performed on each central computer in the environment , and must be completed one at a time. The second procedure is more time consuming but it is also the more reliable solution.
Please use these steps to correct the issue. Should these steps not correct the issue, refer to the second process below:
Go to the Development Console\Processing Rules groups
- Right click, then select Restore NetIQ Module.
- Browse.. to find "Security Manager Self-monitoring.nqm" If you do not have the latest module on your local drive, it can be downloaded from https://products.netiq.com/SM/SecurityManager.xml
- Choose the radio button "replace existing rule groups with those of the imported module".
- Then click on Import button to restore the module.
- Bring up the configuration wizard to confirm the issue is resolved. Launch Configuration wizard\log manager and configure log manager.
If the previous fix did not resolve the issue, the following fix will have to be applied on every Individual Central computer where the use will be using the log manger wizard.
- Save the attached files to a local drive on the Central computer. ConfigureLogManager.bat and ConfigureLogManager.xml
- Put the ConfigureLogManager.bat into onepoint folder on the Central computer.
- Edit the ConfigureLogManager.bat by replacing your_CC_Computer_Name_Here with the real computer name.
- Put the ConfigureLogManager.xml into onepoint\config folder on the Central computer.
- Run the ConfigureLogManager.bat file by right clicking and selecting open.
- Bring up the configuration wizard to confirm the issue is resolved. Launch Configuration wizard\log manager to configure log manager.