NetIQ Aegis 2.0
NetIQ Aegis 2.1
NetIQ Aegis 2.1
When installing Aegis Adapters or Configuring Adapters the adapter configuration may not be written to the registry correctly, be not visible in the registry or be rejected with permission errors when running on Windows 2008 Server with UAC (User Account Control) enabled.
This issue was corrected in NetIQ Aegis 2.2 and higher. The following solutions are only valid for versions prior to NetIQ Aegis 2.2.
To correct this issue, there are two Options:
- Workaround is to disable UAC - this may not always be an option as UAC may be a security requirement in the organization.
- Run adapter install / configuration from an elevated command line prompt using the 'run as administrator' option.
To run installs, use : msiexec /i <FullPath to the adapter install .msi>
To run the adapter configuration console use : %ProgramFiles%\NetIQ\Aegis\IQConnect\bin\AegisConfigurator.exe
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB72000