NetIQ Analysis Center 2.7 SP1
After installing Analysis Center 2.7 SP1 OLAP fails at step 8
XML CHECK IN Utility Version[2.7.305.0] Event Log Trace Level Off File Log Trace Level Verbose
Start: 14-07-2009 14:00:20
Command Line: "D:\tdbtools\programs\NetIQ\Analysis Center\bin\XmlCheckIn" -MANAGEPARTITION:GetAddRemovePartitions
User Name: netiqserviceaccount
Argument: -MANAGEPARTITION:GetAddRemovePartitions
** Error [NQOLAP] Error occured while Adding the partitions
Exception: Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException: Errors in the metadata manager. The aggregation design with an ID of 'AggregationDesign', of the 'vFact' partition, does not correspond to an existing aggregation design in the measure group.
XML CHECK IN Utility Version[2.7.305.0] Event Log Trace Level Off File Log Trace Level Verbose
Start: 14-07-2009 14:00:20
Command Line: "D:\tdbtools\programs\NetIQ\Analysis Center\bin\XmlCheckIn" -MANAGEPARTITION:GetAddRemovePartitions
User Name: netiqserviceaccount
Argument: -MANAGEPARTITION:GetAddRemovePartitions
** Error [NQOLAP] Error occured while Adding the partitions
Exception: Microsoft.AnalysisServices.OperationException: Errors in the metadata manager. The aggregation design with an ID of 'AggregationDesign', of the 'vFact' partition, does not correspond to an existing aggregation design in the measure group.
Please contact NetIQ Techinical Support for more details.
The AC_OLAP db is not dropped and re-created, while applying SP1. This is what causes the error when the OLAP job tries to add a new partition. Verify that SP1 installed correctly.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB71976