Deployment Server and Remote Deployment issues in Control Center
Monitoring Policy Replication issues in Control Center
Why Install This Hotfix?
This hotfix resolves the following Control Center issues:
- Resolves an issue where Control Center toolbars disappear from the user interface. (ENG259639)
- Resolves an issue where Deployment Server deploys agents and modules repeatedly to a single destination. (ENG260417)
- Resolves an issue where Control Center displays all server details when you embed one service map view within another. After installing this hotfix, Control Center only displays details for servers selected from the service map view. (ENG261007)
- Resolves an issue where replicating a Knowledge Script group from Control Center does not replicate the Knowledge Script group description field. (ENG266063)
- Resolves an issue where event filters created in a service map view are not applied to all objects in the view. (ENG266776)
- Resolves an issue for 64-bit Control Center Repository installations where members of an Active Directory group cannot log on to Control Center even though the group is set up in Control Center with administrative privileges. The failed logon attempt returns the following message:
'Failed to connect to server server\instance because the login name is not associated with any security groups.'
You can log on to Control Center if your account has explicit permission in Control Center. (ENG268129) - Resolves an issue where monitoring policies do not synchronize on some AppManager repositories. Pushing a policy to a non-primary AppManager Repository can cause this issue. Control Center displays one of the following messages (ENG274156):
start MPSyncKSGsAndMembers date time
Msg 1205, Level 13, State 45, Line 1
Transaction (Process ID 88) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.start MPSyncKSGsAndMembers date time
OLE DB provider "name" for linked server "serverid" returned message "Row handle referred to a deleted row or a row marked for deletion.".
Msg 7346, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider "name" for linked server "serverid".
- Resolves an issue where changing the values for a remote deployment rule causes the following unhandled exception (ENG274357):
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
- Resolves an issue that prevents you from setting an IP address range for a management group custom rule. The field displays address values as you type them, but clicking OK clears the field and repositions the cursor to the first octet. (ENG275042)
- Resolves an issue with Control Center view filters where creating a filter with two conditions and clicking on the view results in a persistent hour glass. A missing or operand between the conditions in the T-SQL causes this issue. (ENG275422)
- Resolves an issue where reinstalling Hotfix 71704 by remote deployment results in the following message (ENG275764):
Thread was being aborted.
- Resolves an issue where a nested management group event view displays events for every server in the group in which the service map resides instead of just those servers that are members of the nested group. (ENG276502)
- Resolves an issue where uninstalling an agent upgraded from 6.0.2 by hotfix 71704 does not create deployment tasks. The Status Details field displays the following message (ENG276672):
Rules for uninstallations are automatically disabled after the rule has run once.
- Resolves an issue where monitoring policy jobs continuously restart. (ENG276990)
- Resolves an issue where inconsistent Control Center Repository data causes synchronization problems and cache manager errors. Improperly trapped AppManager Repository errors can cause the Control Center Repository synchronization loop to exit early and leave inconsistent, partially synchronized Control Center Repository data. (ENG277398)
- Resolves an issue where the Control Center server view does not display cluster aliases as root servers. (ENG278245)
- Resolves an issue with imported Windows groups. Control Center can report that a user who is a member of more than one imported Windows group is only a member of the first of those groups. (ENG279347)
- Resolves an issue where a large number of custom property definitions can cause poor Control Center performance when you open a computer view or select the custom properties tab. (ENG280266)
- Resolves an issue where Control Center throws the following exception when you change the service map background image (ENG280553):
System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory
- Resolves an issue where an agent deployment rule applied to a domain stops at 5000 computers. (ENG282274)
- Adds a new feature to enable you to change AppManager Repository connections with the Control Center Console. Before applying this hotfix, you changed a connection with the UpdateQDBConnection utility. This hotfix replaces the utility. (DOC297855, DOC297967)
- The following instructions replace the information in the Administrator Guide on page 190 and page 230: the "Moving the AppManager Repository" section, Step 10, and the "Updating the AppManager Repository Connections in the Control Center Repository" section.
To change the AppManager Repository connection:
- In the Control Center Console, click Manage Repositories on the File menu.
- Select the old AppManager Repository.
- Click Modify.
- In the Server field, type the name of the SQL server where you installed the new AppManager Repository and restored the old AppManager Repository database information. Type the SQL server and instance names in uppercase letters.
- For example, if your SQL server and instance is named MyServer\MyInstance, then type MYSERVER\MYINSTANCE in this field.
- In the Database field, type the name of the AppManager Repository database. Type the database name using the same letter case as you used on the SQL Server where you installed the new AppManager Repository.
For example, if you named the database Qdb, then type Qdb in this field, not QDB or qdb. - Click OK.
This hotfix supersedes hotfixes 71781, 71769, 71647, and 71635 for NetIQ AppManager Control Center.
System Requirements
This hotfix requires a minimum Control Center Repository (CCDB) compatibility level of SQL 2005.
Contents of the Download Package
The download package contains the following files, which are used by the hotfix setup program unless otherwise noted:
- AM704_Hotfix71949_Setup.exe, the hotfix setup program.
- BaseInstall.dll
- MFC71u.dll
- msvcp71.dll
- msvcr71.dll
- Patch.ini
- AM704_ReadMe71949.htm, this readme
- Setup Files, a folder that contains the following files:
- AM704_Hotfix71949_CCSetup.exe, the Control Center setup program. The hotfix setup program automatically runs this file to update Control Center.
- AM704_Hotfix71949_CCDBSetup.exe, the Control Center database setup program. This file can perform either a local or remote CCDB update.
- atl71.dll
- ckCC_Console.exe
- ckCC_CQS.exe
- ckCC_DB.exe
- ckCC_DeploymentService.exe
- ckCC_DeploymentWebService.exe
- PreInstAPI.dll
Installing This Hotfix
This hotfix includes executables to update the Control Center Repository (CCDB) and Control Center:
- AM704_Hotfix71949_CCDBSetup.exe updates the Control Center Repository. You can run the setup program locally from the Control Center Repository computer or remotely from another computer.
- AM704_Hotfix71949_Setup.exe updates Control Center. You must run the setup program locally on each Control Center computer.
To install this hotfix:
- Close all Control Center consoles.
- Stop the Command Queue Service (CQS) for the Control Center Repository. The CQS can be on the same computer as the repository or a different computer.
- To update a local or remote Control Center Repository (CCDB), run AM704_Hotfix71949_CCDBSetup.exe in folder Setup Files.
- To install this hotfix to a clustered Control Center Repository, run AM704_Hotfix71949_CCDBSetup.exe from any node in the cluster or from a remote computer. Enter the SQL virtual server name in the SQL Server Name field and the SQL virtual server Control Center Repository name in the Repository field.
- You do not need to fail over the cluster for the hotfix installation. Any changes to cluster nodes that are offline during the installation are automatically propagated when the nodes are online.
- Run AM704_Hotfix71949_Setup.exe on all computers where AppManager version 7.0.4 Control Center is installed.
Note: Do not run AM704_Hotfix71949_CCSetup.exe directly to update Control Center.
The PATCH.log file lists all changes and problems encountered during the installation process. The Windows installer log file, AM704_Hotfix71949_CCSetup.exe.log, lists only the changes associated with the hotfix installation. By default, these files are located in the \NetIQ\Temp\NetIQ_Debug folder.
Known Issues
NetIQ Corporation strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your enterprise software needs. The following issues are currently being researched. If you need further assistance with any issue, please contact Technical Support.
Windows 2008 Not Supported
The NetIQ AppManager Pre-installation Check erroneously reports that this hotfix supports the Windows 2008 operating system. This hotfix does not support Windows 2008. (ENG290929)