How to reinstall or uninstall AMPP hotfix (NETIQKB71922)

  • 7771922
  • 06-Nov-2009
  • 28-Feb-2012


NetIQ AppManager Performance Profiler 4.x


How to reinstall or uninstall AMPP hotfix.
How to reinstall or uninstall AppManager Performance Profiler hotfix.
Package name : AMPP v4.x.x Hotfix x with version : 4.x.xxxxx already installed.


To remove the hotfix from AMPP you need to go to the N_Install Table in the ampp database and remove the row associated with that hotfix. The n_name column should reflect this value.


You can run the following queries against the AMPPDB database in SQL


1. Select * from N_Install  (this should return Install ID's).


2. Delete from N_Install where N_INSTALL_ID = 'N_INSTALL_ID# of the hotfix you would like to remove' 


For instance if the ID = 71411 then execute; use amppdb delete from N_Install where N_INSTALL_ID = '71411'


You should be able to re-apply the patch.


Installed hotfix that either caused a previous hotfix to break and intend to reapply the hotfix.
Unable to re-apply a previous hotfix in AMPP

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71922