What steps need to be performed to update the AppManager Agents after the Primary Management Server name has changed? (NETIQKB71914)

  • 7771914
  • 02-Nov-2009
  • 06-Nov-2009


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


What steps need to be performed to update the AppManager Agents after the Primary Management Server name has changed?


NOTE: In order for the following steps to work, you MUST have had either one of the following in place in your environment, prior to renaming or replacing, or renaming the Primary Management Server in your AppManager environment:

  • A Secondary Management Server which was registered to the QDB, with all Agents aware of this Management Server and configured to use it.


  • The HKLM | Software | NetIQ | AppManager | 4.0 | NetIQmc | Security | AllowMS Registry Key on every Agent that would normally use the affected Primary Management Server must have been pre-configured to include an '*' value.

If neither of these conditions were in place prior to renaming or replacing the Primary Management Server, you will need to contact NetIQ Technical Support in order to work through your situation, and get your Agents talking to the new (or newly renamed) Management Server.

Assuiming one of the above two pre-conditions exists in your environment, the following steps will allow you to get your Agents talking to the new (or newly renamed) Primary Management Server:

  • Use the AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS KS to change the primary MS for your agents to the secondary MS.
  • In the tree view of the Operator Console, select the primary Management Server (the server you want to remove).
  • Press Alt + F8.  Make a note of the ObjID of the Management Server.
  • In the SQL Server Query Analyzer, select the Repository (QDB), and run the following SQL Statement:

SET Status = 4
FROM Object
WHERE ObjID = <ObjID_of_MS>

where ObjID_of_MS is the ID you noted is Step 2

  • In the SQL Server Query Analyzer, select the Repository (QDB), and use the following SQL Statement:


This SQL Statement returns two entries. Verify the ObjID to ensure that you delete the correct Management Server.

  • Then use the following SQL Statement:


  • Change the name of the primary MS and add it back to the operator console.
  • Re-register the NetIQ AppManager Management Server (AppManager 6.0.x & 7.0.x) service and QDBMS DSN with the following command:

netiqms -r QDBMS:QDB:Username:Password:SQLServerName -i


QDB is the name of the AppManager Repository 
Username is the name of the NetIQ SQL Account. 
Password is the password of the NetIQ SQL Account.
SQLServerName is the name of the SQL Server. (or SQLServerName\Instance)

Note: See the Warning in the Notes section of this article (below) for more information in regards to re-registering a Management Server.

  • Use the AMAdmin_SetPrimaryMS KS to set the correct primary server on each of your agents.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71914

Warning: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. NetIQ cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be resolved. Make sure that you back up your Registry prior to making any changes.

When registering a Management Server, if you are using the -ur switch to preserve the RPCKey value for Encrypted Communication, you should use the -ur prior to the -i switch. 

Example: C:\> netiqms -r QDBMS:QDB:Username:Password:SQLServerName -ur -i

NOTE:  Re-registering the MS using the format noted above will disable the PIOC settings in the registry.  To correct this you should do the following:

  1. Open Regedit
  2. Browse to HKLM | Software | NetIQ | AppManager | 4.0 | NetIQms | Config
  3. Edit the Persistent IOC key setting the value to 1
  4. Edit the PIOC Map File Path key setting it to the path of your PIOC files (typically C:\PROGRA~1\NetIQ\APPMAN~1\dat\pioc)
  5. Re-start the NetIQ AppManager Management Service

NetIQ is working on a fix for this registry issue.