What additional startup options can I pass to the NetIQ UNIX Agent for AppManager? (NETIQKB71912)

  • 7771912
  • 02-Nov-2009
  • 26-Sep-2011


NetIQ AppManager for UNIX 6.5
NetIQ AppManager for UNIX 7.0
NetIQ AppManager for UNIX 7.0.1
NetIQ UNIX Agent 7.1


What AppManager startup options can I pass to the UNIX Agent via the NIQ_AGENT_STARTUP_OPTIONS var in the nqmdaemon init script?



Common agent arguments:

-H AgentHostIPAddress

to set the hostname to be bound with the agent, this is commonly used to fix issues with multiple network cards and networks connected to a sinle system.  The IP given here needs to match the IP the agent should be communicating from.


to cold start the Unix Agent from the persisted configuration file


to cold start the Unix Agent from the installed configuration file


Uncommon agent arguments:

-a portNumber

set the default port number for each new MS

-m NqmHome

to set the Unix Agent home environment variable

-f configfile

to set the unix agent config filename

-b binarypath

to set the binary path

-l librarypath

to set the library path

-e perllibpath

to set the perl library path

-d debuglogdir

to set the debug log directory

-s LogComponent:LogLevel

to set the debug log verbose level


to print this usage lines


to print the version of this agent


Internal flags:

! Warning! These flags are for internal agent use. Changing or setting them may reduce the ability for Technical Support to troubleshoot agent issues or cause agent instability. Do not modify these flags unless directed to do so by NetIQ Technical Support.


Shared memory segment id, passed by agent watchdog.


Enhanced deadlock checking


Paranoid deadlock checking


Crash preserve directory


Data directory

-u umomappingfile

to set the UMO mapping filename

-N NumOfPerlEngines

to set the number of perl script engines (not used when -J is specified ahead)

-J NumOfJobsPerEngine

to set the maximum number of jobs per perl engine (not used when -N is specified ahead)

-n logsize

to set the debug log size

-t loglifespan

to set the debug log life span in days

-k logstokeep

to set the number of debug log files to keep in the system

-i DisplayFlag

to set the debug log display flag

-g ErrorLog

to set the error log file to rotate

-o DebugComponent

to set which components to debug

-p persistdir

to set the persistence file directory

-q KsTrace

to turn KSTrace On (Qval=1) or Off (Qval=0)

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71912