Error: 'The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'CC_SyncComputerEvent', database 'QDB',schema 'dbo' (NETIQKB71889)

  • 7771889
  • 21-Oct-2009
  • 05-Nov-2009


Appmanager 7.x

Control Center 7.0.4


Cache Manager fails with the following error message:

[SQL COMMAND: execdbo.SyncComputerEvent 'xxxxx.QDB' ] The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'CC_SyncComputerEvent', database 'QDB',schema 'dbo'.


To fix this issue perform the following steps:

  1. Open up SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Expand Server Objects
  3. Expand Linked Servers
  4. Right click and choose properties for the specific repository in the error message
  5. Choose the Security page
  6. Change the Security setting to "Be made using the login's current security context"
  7. Click OK to save changes



This error is a result of incorrect security settings on the linked server properties for the QDB specified in the error above.  The "Be made using this security context" option is selected.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71889