Directory & Resource Administrator 8.5x
Directory & Resource Administrator 8.6x
NetIQ Reporting Center 1.0
NetIQ Reporting Center 1.5
Logon to the DRA Server with the user configured in the DRA Reporting Service Configuration
Run the following commands on command prompt
XmlCheckIn.exe /S <SQL Server Name> DRA.DataSourceType.XML
XmlCheckIn.exe /S <SQL Server Name> DRA.UDContext.xml
XmlCheckIn.exe /S <SQL Server Name> DRA.ExtDataSource.XML
XmlCheckIn.exe /S <SQL Server Name> DRA.Report.XML
Reopen the NRC console, verify the Database connection.
or SQL Server from which the DRAReporting was run
Locate the two files DRA.ExtDataSource.XML and XmlCheckIn.exe.config
C:\Program Files\NetIQ\Reporting Center\bin
Edit both files, and replace Server="Localhost" with Server="SQL SERVER name"
Logon to the DRA Server -- Connect as a user with Local Admin Rights on DRA AND DB_Owner rights over the SQL Database AC_Configuration
From command prompt go to the NRCReporting folder
Run the following commands on command prompt
XmlCheckIn.exe DRA.DataSourceType.XML
XmlCheckIn.exe DRA.UDContext.xml
XmlCheckIn.exe DRA.ExtDataSource.XML
XmlCheckIn.exe DRA.Report.XML
Reopen the NRC console, verify the Database connection.