The Control Center server view does not display top level cluster objects (NETIQKB71769)

  • 7771769
  • 27-Aug-2009
  • 17-May-2010


NetIQ AppManager Control Center Console 7.0.x
NetIQ AppManager for Windows 7.6


The Control Center server view does not display top level cluster objects

The top level Cluster Objects that are introduced in the new AppManager for Windows Module v7.6 are not displayed in the Control Center Console server view.


To add the new top level Cluster object type to the Control Center Console, please apply Hotfix 71769.  This Hotfix supercedes Hotfixes 71647, 71635, and 71611 for NetIQ AppManager Control Center Console.  For details about the issues resolved in those previous Hotfixes, see the Previous Releases section of the Readme.htm file contained in the installation package for this Hotfix.  You can download this Hotfix here .

System Requirements

This hotfix has the following requirements:

  • AppManager for WIndows OS Module version 7.6 installed on all Control Center Console computers.
  • Hotfix 72040 installed on all AppManager Repository (QDB) computers.
  • Hotfix 72041 installed on all Management Server computers.

Contents of the Download Package

The download package contains the following files, which are used by the hotfix setup program unless otherwise noted:

  • AM704_Hotfix71769_Setup.exe, the hotfix setup program.
  • BaseInstall.dll
  • MFC71u.dll
  • msvcp71.dll
  • msvcr71.dll
  • Patch.ini
  • AM704_ReadMe71769.htm, this readme.
  • Setup Files, a folder that contains the following files:
    • AM704_Hotfix71769_CCSetup.exe, the Control Center setup program. The hotfix setup program automatically runs this file to update Control Center.
    • atl71.dll
    • ckCC_Console.exe
    • ckCC_CQS.exe
    • ckCC_DB.exe
    • ckCC_DeploymentService.exe
    • ckCC_DeploymentWebService.exe
    • PreInstAPI.dll

Installing This Hotfix

To install this hotfix:

  1. Close the Control Center Console.
  2. Run AM704_Hotfix71769_Setup.exe on all computers where AppManager version 7.0.4 Control Center is installed.

Note Do not run AM704_Hotfix71769_CCSetup.exe directly to update Control Center.

The PATCH.log file lists all changes and problems encountered during the installation process. The Windows installer log file, AM704_Hotfix71769_CCSetup.exe.log, lists only the changes associated with the hotfix installation. By default, these files are located in the \NetIQ\Temp\NetIQ_Debug folder.

Modified Files

This hotfix modifies the following binary files on all Control Center repository computers:

  • autodeploymentdrv.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • AutoDeploymentUIExtension.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • AMChartCon.exe (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • AMChartWiz.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • AMChartHost.ocx (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • DeploymentCore.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • DeploymentDB.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • DeploymentTechLib.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQAMDrv.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCDBDRV.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCEVENTS.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCJobProperties.ocx (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCJOBS.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCKS.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCMAIN.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCServers.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCServiceMap.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCShared.DLL (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCCUtils.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • Nqconfig.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQConsoleExt_v3.2.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQCQS.exe (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • NQDAL_v3.2.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • PluginManager_v3.2.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • ProxyDataStore.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • ProxyDeploymentWebService.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • RSCPackage.exe (
  • SMVAPI.DLL (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SMVDBHelper.dll (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)

This hotfix modifies the following SQL scalar function on all Control Center repository computers:

  • GetCorrectAppName (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)

This hotfix modifies the following table valued function on all Control Center repository computers:

  • CSVToTable (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)

This hotfix modifies the following user tables on all Control Center repository computers:

  • JobObject (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • DPL_AgentSoftwareInstalled (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)

This hotfix modifies the following view on all Control Center repository computers:

  • MPropertyServerView (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)

This hotfix modifies the following SQL trigger on all Control Center repository computers:

  • dplInventoryChange (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)

This hotfix modifies the following primary key constraint on all Control Center repository computers:

  • PK_JobObject_DSJobIDTargetObjID (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)

This hotfix modifies the following stored procedures on all Control Center repository computers:

  • TaskDaily (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • DeleteUIMGMember (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • MetaD_SyncMProperties (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • MetaD_SyncMPropertyValues (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • RESyncUpdatedRules (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SyncQDBViewSGInit (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • ReplaceQDBName (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SyncSMVDataObject (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • UpdateVersions (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • MPSyncPolicy (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • GetEventSummary (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • GetMGSummary (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SyncQDBObjectType (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • JobTable (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • EventTable (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • ComputerServerTable (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • RESyncNewRules (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • RESyncDeletedRules (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplAddDeployedMachine (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplCreatePackage (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplCreateTasksForRule (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplFetchAppDetectionReportWithAppName (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • MPSyncKSGsAndMembers (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • MPInsertUpdateTextPT (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplResetAppDetection (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplSetSoftwareReport (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • ManageLogins (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplUIFetchInventory (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • PatchQDBForSync (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SetEventStatusPerMG (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SMVFetchEvent (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SMVSubObjStatus (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SyncComputerServer (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SyncManagementGroup (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • SyncQDBObjectDeleteIncr (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • dplPruneInactiveMachines (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)
  • ReIndexTables (Build Number 7.0.40422.0)


The AppManager for Windows (WinOS) 7.6 release adds a new top level object for Clustered Servers.  This new object type is not recognized by the current Control Center Console, which results in those objects not being displayed in the Control Center Console's Server views.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71769

If you need further assistance with the subject matter discussed in this Knowledge Base Article, please contact NetIQ Technical Support .