NetIQ AppManager 7.x
Windows 2003
NETIQccm.exe and NETIQMC.exe CPU utilization climbs noticably after Windows DEP is enabled on an Agent.
Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a set of hardware and software technologies that perform additional checks on memory to help prevent malicious code from running on a system. The primary benefit of DEP is to help prevent code execution from data pages. Software-enforced DEP can help prevent malicious code from taking advantage of exception-handling mechanisms in Windows.
As a result of these additional checks performed by DEP against the NetIQ AppManager Agent Services, those services will consume an amount of additional CPU cycles, similar to when they are being actively scanned by Anti_Viral software. This can, therefore, have an adverse effect on the Agent's ability to perform required and expected activities. This can lead to a less-than-satisfactory performance of the AppManager Agent on servers where the NetIQ AppManager Agent Services are being checked by DEP.
To resolve this issue, you will need to disable Windows DEP checking of the NetIQ AppManager Agent Services on any affected Servers. You can change the DEP configuration for your computer in the System tool.
NOTE: Completing the following steps may require a reboot of the Server on which the system's DEP configuration is being changed. Please be conscious of this requirement before applying the following fix to any Production Server.
To adjust the DEP configuration on a Windows 2003 Server, please complete the following steps:
- Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK (or you can launch the System tool from within Control Panel).
- Click the Advanced tab, and then under Performance, click Settings.
- In the Performance Options dialog box, click the Data Execution Prevention tab.
- Chose 'Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:'
- Add the following two entries:
- <install path>\NetIQ\AppManager\bin\netiqccm.exe
- <install path>\NetIQ\AppManager\bin\netiqmc.exe
- Click Apply and OK, and then click OK again in order to exit the System Properties tool.
- At this point you may be prompted to reboot, in order for these changes to take effect.
To see more detailed information regarding Window DEP, please review the following Microsoft KB article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/875352