NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x
NetCool Connector
After the QDB database is restored no events are being forwarded to NetCool
In order to rectify this problem the following steps must be performed after the QDB has been restored from backup:
Noting the EventID from the Operator Console
- Launch the Operator Console
- Drop a new job which generates an Event
- Note the EventID for the Child Event that is generated.
Updating the AMNC Database (NetCool Connector database) with the last EventID as follows:
- Stop the Management Server(s) service
- Stop the Netcool Connector service.
- Run the following query against the AMNC Database:
Select * from Property - Based on the results from step 3, if LastAMEventID = 5 and LastAMEventIDSent = 6 then run the query as follows to update the Property table with the most recent EventID noted above from the steps performed in the Operator Console:
update property set propertyvalue = xxx where idproperty in (5,6)
PS: xxx is the latest child event as noted in the steps performed in the Operactor Console. - Start the Management Server and NetCool Connector services.
The following steps are not required but is recommended to avoid any possible issues its recommended that you also perform the steps below before restarting the two services mentioned above in Step 5.
Updating the EventID in the Registry and the NetCool Connector Configuration Utility
- Launch the NetCool Configuration Utility and update the Last AM Event Forwarded to NetCool field with the latest EventID.
- Lauch the Registry Editor and update the value with the latest EventID: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NetIQ\AMNCServer\Config\ LastSentEventID = xxx
This problem occurs if the AppManger Repository (QDB) dabase was restored from backup. In this situation the recently restored QDB database has an AM Event ID which is older than what was forwarded to the NetCool Connector prior to the database being restored. The NetCool Connector does not forward the new events from AppManager as those are considered older events.
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