Directory and Resource Administrator 8.1 SP2
Mailbox security settings for Users with Exchang 2007 mailboxes are not being kept
This hotfix resolves an issue where mailbox security settings and rights settings for a user account with a Microsoft Exchange 2007 mailbox are not retained after making changes to the security settings.
Note: This hotfix requires NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator 8.1 Service Pack 2.
To install this hotfix, run the DRA8102_Hotfix71691.msi file on each Administration server computer.
This hotfix modifies the following files in the installation folder, by default C:\Program Files\NetIQ\DRA.
- ExchProvider.dll (Build Number 366)
- NetIQ.DRA.Server.X2K7Module.dll (Build Number 366)
- DRAExchShell.exe (Build Number 366)
Security settings are not being retained after modification.
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB71691