How do I increase the timeout limit for the Security Manager Monitor Console? (NETIQKB71680)

  • 7771680
  • 06-Aug-2009
  • 19-Aug-2009


Security Manager 6.0
Security Manager 6.0 SP1
Security Manager 6.0 SP2
Security Manager 6.0 SP3

Security Manager 6.0 SP4
Security Manager 6.5



How do I increase the timeout limit for the Security Manager Monitor Console?


Repeat these steps on allCental Computers in your Configuration Group.

  • Close the Security Manager Monitor Console and Development Console on all computers.
  • Click on Start and then Run.
  • Type in the following command and click Ok:


  • Inside Component Services:
    • Under Console Root, expand Component Services and click on Computers.
    • In the right pane, right click on My Computer and select Properties.
    • Click on the Options tab
    • To change the timeout edit the Transaction timeout (seconds) field. (default is 60)
    • Click Apply and then Ok.
    • In the right pane, right click on My Computer and select Stop MS DTC.
    • In the right pane, right click on My Computer and select Start MS DTC.
    • Close Component Services.


  • Slow connectivity speeds to the SQL server hosting the Security Manager Databases.
  • High load on the SQL server hosting the Security Manager Databases.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71680

Timeout Error Code:

0x00040ed2: Unknown error code 265938.
Error = 0x80040e14, . SQL: 1206, 42000