AppManager UNIX Logging levels (NETIQKB71550)

  • 7771550
  • 27-Apr-2009
  • 27-Apr-2009


Information on the logging levels of the AppManager for UNIX agent.


AM Unix Agent logging

Located in <AM>/etc/uaconf.xml


It is not recommended to adjust these logging settings because doing so may hamper NetIQ/technical support's investigation of agent issues. The default maximum log size on the agent should be 5x5MB files (these logs are rolled by the agent).


When the log level is set to DEBUG for all the components, three components take the most space (15% each) are: MESSAGING, SERVER_CONN, and STATISTICS.


Log level


  • NONE - No logging
  • ERROR - Lowest level of logging.  Error logging such as connection to the MS failure
  • WARNING ? Warning messages such as ?limited disk space available?.
  • INFO ? Informational messages such as ?Available free disk space?.
  • DEBUG - Provides debug level information.  This generates lots of data
  • DEBUG2 ? Level 2 debug, approximately 5% more than DEBUG level.
  • DEBUG3 ? Level 3 debug, approximately 10% more than DEBUG level.
  • DEBUG4 ? Level 4 debug, approximately 15% more than DEBUG level.
  • DEBUG5 ? Currently not being used.
  • ALL ? Highest level of logging.




  • CONFIG ? Provides logging of configuration related information.  Minimal
  • CALLBACK ? Provides logging of NetIQ perl extensions logging.
  • DATA_STORE ? Provides logging of the agent data storage information.
  • DATA ? Provides logging of data point creation.
  • EVENTS ? Provides logging of event creation.
  • LOG_CLEANER ? Provides logging of agent?s log management.
  • MAIN ? Provides logging of agent initialization at startup.
  • MESSAGING ? Agent & MS communications (data transfer between agent and MS).  Depends on the number of jobs and data collection option, this will take up about 10-15% of the log.
  • MISC ? Provides logging information during agent startup, shutdown, and miscellaneous information such as monitor agent?s diskspace.
  • MO ? Provides logging of managed object related information.
  • SCHEDULER ? Provides logging of job scheduling.
  • SCRIPTING - Provides logging of NetIQ perl extensions logging.
  • SERVER_CONN ? Connection information between the agent and the MS.  If the log level is set to DEBUG, this takes about 10-15% of the log.
  • STATISTICS ? Provides logging of the perl engines and running jobs.  If the log level is set to DEBUG, this takes up about 10-15% of the log.  The log level can be set to ERROR.
  • SUBPROCESS ? Provides logging of process (processes the agent fork/exec) monitoring.
  • XML ? Provides logging of XML data parsing.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71550