NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager 5.6
NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager 5.7
NetIQ Security Agent for Unix 5.6
NetIQ Unix Agent 7.1
Oracle 9i / 10g
How to setup an SCM to monitor an Oracle instance on the Unix Agent
After the agent has been installed on the Unix system and been added to the SCM console as a normal Unix Managed System:
- expand IT Assets > Agents > OS
- right mouse click Unix, then click Add Endpoint
- highlight the host where the oracle instance is running then click Next
- Name the endpoint using a unique name and also ensure that the 'Endpoint Type' is set to Oracle
- Fill in the red areas in the properties sheet for the instance
- 'Oracle Instance ID' - use the name exactly as it appears in the oratab file
- 'Username' - Needs to have the appropriate privileges as defined in NETIQKB56490
- 'Oracle oratab File Path' - Is not in red but the oratab file path info is required. If the oratab file is in the default location of /opt or /var/opt/oracle (Solaris) then leave this field blank. If the oratab file is elsewhere then provide the full absolute path along with the file name. For example: /var/apps/oracle/oratab
- click Finish
Additional Information
Formerly known as NETIQKB71521
An Oracle instance located on a Windows system that doesn't have a security agent can be added / monitired as a proxied instance from the Unix Agent as follows:
- The Oracle DBA must setup an Oracle connection from the instance running on a Windows system to the instance running on the Unix system that is also running the NetIQ Unix agent.
- Ensure that the oratab file on the Unix system has correct instance names for the Windows instance
- Add the Oracle endpoint as shown above with the exception that the username must be specified as username@instance