Previously launched Ad-Hoc Jobs repeatedly restart (NETIQKB71416)

  • 7771416
  • 05-Jan-2009
  • 28-Feb-2012


NetIQ AppManager 7.0.x


When you launch some Ad-Hoc KSG on some Servers, and use the same KSG inside a Management Goup with some override values set, the Ad-Hoc Jobs that were launched before are restarted repeatedly.


Propagate the KSG (properties) to ad hoc jobs after you make the change to the KSG in CC. That way the existing ad-hoc jobs will have the override in place.


The issue is caused by getting results to this query in the procedure MPEx_RestartJob:-

            SELECT B.JobID,B.Status,@s  FROM
                  (SELECT entityid AS JobID,
                        dbo.MPex_fnRestartJob(dbo.MPex_fnGetRowStamp(propname,proptype,objid),valuestamp) AS 'DoRestart'
                        FROM ParameterOverrides
                        WHERE entitytype = dbo.MPex_fnGetEntityType(N'Job') AND (parentjobid IS NOT NULL) AND
                              (ismsaction = 0)
                              AND (status & dbo.MPex_fnGetOverrideStatusFromName(N'OVERRIDE_STATUS_DELETED') = 0)) AS A
                  INNER JOIN Job AS B
                  ON A.JobID = B.JobID AND (B.Status & 0x00000001 <> 0)
                  AND A.DoRestart = 1

Any job that is returned from this query will be restarted. This runs with the NetIQ Monitoring Policy task.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71416