What issues are addressed in HotFix71305 for Security Manager 6.0 SP3? (NETIQKB71305)

  • 7771305
  • 16-Oct-2008
  • 01-Oct-2009


Security Manager 6.0

Security Manager 6.0 SP1

Security Manager 6.0 SP2

Security Manager 6.0 SP3


What is addressed in hotfix 71305?
There is a single partition in the analysis cube.


This hotfix is superceded by Security Manager 6.0 Service Pack 4


This hotfix resolves an issue where the partitions in the analysis cube are not created on the 64 bit platform.


Prior to this hotfix/Service Pack 4, on 64 bit systems in Enterprise Edition of SQL, the Analysis Cube would not have multiple partitions.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71305