What are the issues addressed in DRA 8.1 SP2 Hotfix 71234? (NETIQKB71234)

  • 7771234
  • 26-Aug-2008
  • 27-Oct-2008


Directory and Resource Administrator 8.1 SP2


What are the issues addressed in DRA 8.1 SP2 Hotfix 71234?


Hotfix 71234 corrects the way Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) handles the following issues in the Account and Resource Management (ARM) console and the Delegation and Configuration (DC) console:

  • When you want to add or change the manager for a selected group, DRA only provides you with the option to select a user or contact in the Manager field on the Managed by tab of the Properties window. This hotfix allows you to also select a group in the Manager field on the Managed by tab of the Properties window for a selected group.
  • In the search pane, when you specify group membership as part of your search criteria, you can only specify the group the first time. If you want to specify membership in a different group, DRA displays an unhandled exception error message. This hotfix allows you to select any group as many times as required in your search criteria.
  • When you use the Create User wizard in either the Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console, DRA displays an error message after you enter the setup information in the General tab. This issue occurs only when you do not have an Exchange Administrator license running on the computer where you have installed the Administration server. This hotfix allows you to create and clone users and DRA does not display any error message.
  • After upgrading to DRA 8.1, when you log on to a computer running either the Account and Resource Management console or the Delegation and Configuration console, DRA does not connect to the best available DRA server in a domain. This issue occurs when you use Domain Name Server (DNS) suffixes in computer names. This hotfix enables you to connect to the best available DRA server in a domain using either the Account and Resource Management console or the Delegation and Configuration console computer.

Note: You need to install DRA 8.1 Service Pack 2 before installing Hotfix 71234.
Perform the following steps on each Administration server computer and on each computer where you installed an Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console:

  1. Close all DRA user interfaces.
  2. Run the DRA8102_Hotfix71234.msi file.

Hotfix 71234 modifies the following files on each computer where you installed an Account and Resource Management console or Delegation and Configuration console. By default, these files are located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.

  • NetIQ.DRA.Console.Accounts.dll
  • NetIQ.DRA.Framework.dll

This hotfix also modifies the following files on each computer where you installed an Administration server. By default, these files are located in the Program Files\NetIQ\DRA folder.

  • MCSUtilityOperations.dll
  • Accounts.dll
  • DCLibDynamic70.dll

For more information, see NetIQ Knowledge Base Article NETIQKB71234, available at https://support.netiq.com/dra, or contact Technical Support at www.netiq.com/support.


Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB71234