How do I configure Allowable Parent Paths for NetApp Filers and DFS paths or partitions? (NETIQKB70959)

  • 7770959
  • 27-Feb-2008
  • 27-Feb-2008


Directory and Resource Administrator 8.1 SP1


How do I configure Home Directory Allowable Parent Paths for NetApp Filers and DFS paths or partitions?

How do I configure Allowable Parent Paths for NetApp Filers and DFS paths or partitions?

Does DRA support the creation of Home Directories on DFS partitions or NetApp Filers?


Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) version 8.1 SP1 now supports Distributed File System (DFS) paths during creation of user home directories or configuration of home directory policies for users in allowable parent paths. To specify a DFS path while creating user home directories or configuring home directory policies for users, use the \\server\root\<link> format, where root can be either the managed domain or a standalone root directory ( \\FilerName\adminshare:\volumerootpath\directorypath).

Example:  The local path of the share on a NetApp filer called FILER01, is c$\vol\vol0\mydirectory

The correct syntax for the allowable parent path in the above example is: \\FILER01\c:\vol\vol0\mydirectory

To configure the Allowable Parent Paths for a NetApp Filer:

  1. Open the Delegation and Configuration Console as a DRA Admin.
  2. Select the Policy and Automation Management Node.
  3. From the Tasks menu, select Configure Home Directory Policies...
  4. In the Allowable parent path text box, enter the allowable paths (following the format above)
  5. Click Add.

Repeat steps 1-5 for each allowable parent path (potential location of a home directory) you want Home Directory policies to apply to.

DRA now supports the creation, deletion and renaming of Home Directories on NetApp Filers and DFS paths or partitions. 

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB70959